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Jorge Bernhardt Jorge Bernhardt
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Getting Started With Azure Sphere - Part 1

·253 words·2 mins· 100 views · 5 likes ·
azsphere Azure Sphere IoT Microsoft

The people who follow @ me on Twitter know that I received an Azure sphere about a month ago. Due to certification exams and other issues, I have not been able to play with this board before. This post is part of a series in which I will show how to set up and use your Azure Sphere. Today I will show you how to update the Azure Sphere OS.


Prerequisites: #

Once installed, the software prerequisites you must connect the board to a USB port on your computer. Based on my experience, use the ports of your computer, do not use the ports of a docking station or USB hub. To start the Azure Sphere OS update process, Open an Azure Sphere Developer command prompt. It appears in the Start menu under the Azure Sphere folder. To see all available operations, you should use the command azsphere with the following syntax:

azsphere -?

To manage the device, you must use the following command to see the available operations.

azsphere device -?

azsphere device help
Using the recover operator allows us to install the latest version of the OS for our Azure Sphere board.

azsphere device recover

Azure Sphere
And your system now has the latest version of Azure Sphere OS. In upcoming posts, I’ll show you how to set up an Azure account to use with Azure Sphere.

If you want to know more about Azure Sphere, check out this link.